Title: plan9port.tcz Description: Plan 9 from User Space extension creator Version: 0.1 Author: Jesus Galan (yiyus) Original-site: https://github.com/yiyus/plan9port-tc Copying-policy: MIT/X11 Size: 4.0K Extension_by: Jesus Galan (yiyus) Tags: plan9port p9p plan9 rc sam acme rio venti glenda Comments: Contains the plan9-install.sh script to generate plan9 extensions, either from an existing plan9port tree or installing the latest version from github ---- To create plan9.tcz: plan9-install.sh For more help: plan9-install.sh -h ---- When this extension is loaded and PLAN9 is not set, it tries to load a plan9-local or plan9 extension ---- Compiled for Core 6.x Change-log: ---- Current: 2015/11/12 Working with current plan9port tip in github