pip3 install git+ build tcz using site packages installed above. squashfs-root/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/icdiff-1.9.4-py3.6.egg-info note: the version indicated in the site package 1.9.4 appears to be a missed update by the author, should be 1.9.5 because we installed from Runtime dependencies: icdiff.tcz.dep python3.6.tcz expat2.tcz submitqc --color --libs --fix --strip ./icdiff.tcz # get the extension files dates the same as tcz for file in icdiff.tcz.*; do touch --no-create --reference=icdiff.tcz $file; done # set the permissions for file in icdiff.*; do chmod 666 $file; done #tar all necessary and optional files, example: tar cvzf ./icdiff.tar.gz ./icdiff/ save this file with name compile_icdiff