The original release did not have prefix variable and the installation was done in /usr. Hence, we should 1. Change these lines in a) Makefile Line 2 : CFLAGS=-flto -fuse-linker-plugin -mtune=generic -Os -pipe $(shell pkg-config --cflags vte-2.91) Line 15 : mkdir $(TARGET)/usr/local/bin || true Line 16 : mkdir $(TARGET)/usr/local/share/applications || true Line 18 : install build/$(NAME) $(TARGET)/usr/local/bin/$(NAME) Line 19 : install build/$(NAME).desktop $(TARGET)/usr/local/share/applications/$(NAME).desktop b) .config/kermit.desktop Line 16 : Exec=/usr/local/bin/kermit For replacing lines efficiently, use nano text editor. After editing the Makefile and .desktop file, Assuming the extracted folder of the modified sources is /home/tc/Downloads/kermit , do cd /home/tc/Downloads/kermit make touch mymarker sudo make install sudo find / -not -type 'd' -cnewer mymarker | grep -v "\/proc\/" | grep -v "^\/sys\/" | tee files editor files [edit unneeded files] sudo tar -T files --numeric-owner -zcvf kermit.tce mkdir /tmp/kermit tar xf kermit.tce -C /tmp/kermit sudo mksquashfs /tmp/kermit kermit.tcz mv kermit.tcz /home/tc