micro editor - a modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor https://micro-editor.github.io/ v2.0.7-dev.46 golang ca-certificates.tcz is installed sudo mkdir -p /etc/ssl/ development dependencies are pulled in automatically during the build process tce-load -i go.tcz (my personal tcz) git clone https://github.com/zyedidia/micro (gets 2.0.7) cd micro make build runtime dependencies are NONE, however if you run this editor in X and you want the clipboard to share with other editors then you will need to load xclip.tcz If you run this editor from text console (no X) and you want the modern key bindings, then see the comments in /usr/local/share/micro/kmap/supplemental_micro_edit_bindings.kmap submitqc --color --libs --fix --strip ./micro.tcz # get the extension files dates the same as tcz for file in micro.tcz.*; do touch --no-create --reference=micro.tcz $file; done # set the permissions for file in micro.*; do chmod 666 $file; done #tar all necessary and optional files, example: tar cvzf ./micro.tar.gz ./micro/ save this file with name compile_micro