tce-load -i compiletc meson gettext gst-rtsp-server-dev networkmanager-dev pulseaudio-dev desktop-file-utils appstream-glib wget cd gnome-network-displays-0.90.5 mkdir build cd build CC="gcc -flto -mtune=generic -Os -pipe" CXX="g++ -flto -mtune=generic -Os -pipe -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" meson --prefix=/usr/local --localstatedir=/var --buildtype=plain ninja [0m 5.55s] sudo ninja install see: To get audio streaming, you need to change the audio output in pulseaudio to use the created "Network-Displays" sink. To use it, you will need: openh264 or x264 [gst-plugins-ugly x264_148] For audio supporting using AAC one of fdkaacenc, faac or avenc_aac [faac] NetworkManager version > 1.15.2 no usable wifi adapters found - please verifiy wifi is enabled and wifi p2p operations are available in both networkmanager and wpa_supplicant Wi-Fi P2P is an optional component that needs to be enabled in the wpa_supplicant build configuration (.config). Here is an example configuration that includes Wi-Fi P2P support and Linux nl80211 -based driver interface: CONFIG_DRIVER_NL80211=y CONFIG_CTRL_IFACE=y CONFIG_P2P=y CONFIG_AP=y CONFIG_WPS=y CONFIG_WPS2=y ??