Title: alsa.tcz Description: alsa sound Version: 1.2.1 Author: see list of sites below Original-site: see list of sites below Copying-policy: see list of sites below Size: 236KB Extension_by: juanito/jasonw Tags: alsa sound audio Comments: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture ---------- From tc-5.x onwards, it appears that loading the alsa extension is sufficient to initialise sound. You will need to use alsamixer to un-mute the master volume control. if this doesn't work, try loading alsa-config before loading the alsa extension ---------- The graphics-KERNEL extension might be required if your hardware provides hdmi ---------- If you want your alsa settings to persist across reboots, use the command "sudo alsactl store" after alsa has been set up and add /usr/local/etc/alsa/asound.state to your backup if alsa is loaded onboot you may need "sudo alsactl restore" ---------- alsaloop requires the libsamplerate extension. ---------- This extension contains: alsa-lib- - LGPLv2.1 - https://www.alsa-project.org/files/pub/lib/alsa-lib- alsa-utils-1.2.1 - GPLv2 - https://www.alsa-project.org/files/pub/utils/alsa-utils-1.2.1.tar.bz2 ---------- Change-log: 2012/12/08 first version 2013/11/07 updated 1.0.26 -> 2014/04/07 recompile asound.state -> /usr/local/etc 2014/10/07 updated -> 1.0.28, adjusted alsa.conf to use group staff instead of audio 2015/12/14 updated 1.0.28 -> 1.1.0 2017/03/13 updated 1.1.0 -> 1.1.3 2018/01/03 updated 1.1.3 -> 1.1.5 2018/03/21 recompiled against ncursesw Current: 2020/01/10 updated 1.1.5 -> 1.2.1