tint extension: * Load extensions: compiletc squashfs-tools ncursesw-dev * edit Makefile to add "-mtune=generic -Os -pipe -I/usr/local/include/ncursesw -L/usr/local/lib" to CFLAGS= line. - LDFLAGS add "-Wl,-O1" * make DESTDIR=/usr/local * put tint binary in /tmp/tint/usr/local/bin/ * put tint.scores in /tmp/tint/usr/local/var/games * sudo chown -R root:root /tmp/tint * In each dir. run "find usr -not -type d > ../program_name.tcz.list". * Make into extensions using mksquashfs. "mksquashfs /tmp/tint tint.tcz * "md5sum tint.tcz > tint.tcz.md5.txt" etc... * Make tint.tcz.dep: ncursesw.tcz * Copy tint.tcz (+ dep, md5) to "tce/optional". * tce-load -i tint * tint