#!/bin/sh # ###################################################### # Build script for Core 15.x # # # # See .info for details # ###################################################### ###################################################### # Configure extension creation parameters # ###################################################### PYVER=3.9 # Variables PACKAGE=frr VERSION="8.2.2" TODAY=`date +%Y/%m/%d` DESTDIR=/tmp/dest/${PACKAGE} TMPDIR=/tmp/submit/${PACKAGE} DESCRIPTION="FRRouting is a routing software suite" DOCDESCRIPTION="Documentation part of the FRRouting routing software suite" DEVDESCRIPTION="Development files part of the FRRouting routing software suite" AUTHORS="See Original-site" HOMEPAGE="https://frrouting.org/" LICENSE="LGPL" ME="rhermsen" TAGS="frr frrouting zebra routing quagga" DOCTAGS="man pages frr frrouting zebra routing quagga" DEVTAGS="development frr frrouting zebra routing quagga" ARCH=`uname -m` ###################################################### # Prepare extension creation # ###################################################### # Load extensions needed for compiling Frr # Compile tools: tce-load -wi compiletc.tcz tce-load -wi squashfs-tools.tcz # autoconf has perl5.tcz as a dependency tce-load -wi autoconf.tcz tce-load -wi automake.tcz # tce-load -wi libtool.tcz tce-load -wi libltdl.tcz tce-load -wi pkg-config.tcz tce-load -wi intltool.tcz tce-load -wi libtool-dev.tcz # Configure dependancy tce-load -wi json-c-dev.tcz tce-load -wi readline-dev.tcz # https://github.com/FRRouting/frr/pull/3155 # tce-load -wi libxml2.tcz # tce-load -wi libxml2-dev.tcz # The following 3.0 Configure dependancies are not applicable anymore for 4.0 # see: https://github.com/FRRouting/frr/issues/1706 #tce-load -wi XML-NamespaceSupport.tcz #tce-load -wi perl_XML-SAX-Base.tcz #tce-load -wi perl_XML-SAX.tcz #tce-load -wi perl_XML-LibXML.tcz if [ $ARCH == "i686" ] then tce-load -wi libcares-dev.tcz elif [ $ARCH == "x86_64" ] then tce-load -wi c-ares-dev.tcz fi tce-load -wi texinfo.tcz # new 4.0 Configure dependancy #tce-load -wi python3.6.tcz tce-load -wi python${PYVER}-dev.tcz # new 5.0 Configure dependancies tce-load -wi python${PYVER}-sphinx.tcz if [ $ARCH == "i686" ] then tce-load -wi python${PYVER}-setuptools.tcz fi # new 6.0 Configure dependancies tce-load -wi python${PYVER}-docutils.tcz # new 7.0 Configure dependancies # https://frrouting.org/release/7.0/ # libyang (>= 1.0.184) was not found on your system # new 7.2 Configure dependancies tce-load -wi libcap-dev.tcz # new 8.0 Configure dependancies # https://frrouting.org/release/8.0/ tce-load -wi elfutils-dev.tcz # libyang (>= 2.0.0) was not found on your system tce-load -wi libyang-dev.tcz # Other tce-load -wi ipv6-netfilter-KERNEL.tcz tce-load -wi logrotate.tcz tce-load -wi bash.tcz # Workdir sudo rm -r /tmp/${PACKAGE} 2>/dev/null mkdir /tmp/${PACKAGE} cd /tmp/${PACKAGE} # Source # wget https://github.com/FRRouting/frr/archive/frr-7.5.1.tar.gz # wget https://github.com/FRRouting/frr/archive/frr-8.2.2.tar.gz cp /mnt/vda1/tce/${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.tar.gz . tar xzf /tmp/${PACKAGE}/${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.tar.gz cd /tmp/${PACKAGE}/${PACKAGE}-${PACKAGE}-${VERSION} sudo rm -r -f $TMPDIR 2>/dev/null sudo rm -r -f $TMPDIR-doc 2>/dev/null sudo rm -r -f $TMPDIR-dev 2>/dev/null ###################################################### # Compile extension # ###################################################### sudo rm -r ${DESTDIR}* 2>/dev/null # Export variables needed for compilation ARCH=`uname -m` if [ $ARCH == "i686" ] then export CFLAGS="-Os -pipe -march=i486 -mtune=i686" export CXXFLAGS="-Os -pipe -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -march=i486 -mtune=i686" elif [ $ARCH == "x86_64" ] then echo export CFLAGS="-mtune=generic -Os -pipe" export CXXFLAGS="-mtune=generic -Os -pipe" else exit 1 fi export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1" #export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig ./bootstrap.sh # Configure it # https://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Directory-Variables.html ./configure --prefix=/usr/local \ --sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc/${PACKAGE} \ --localstatedir=/var/run/${PACKAGE} \ --runstatedir=/var/run/${PACKAGE} \ --bindir=/usr/local/bin \ --sbindir=/usr/local/sbin \ --enable-user=tc \ --enable-group=staff \ --enable-vty-group=staff \ --enable-ldpd \ --enable-pimd \ --enable-multipath=2 \ --enable-rtadv # Compile make mkdir -p $DESTDIR make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install # Install in base temp dir mkdir -p $TMPDIR/usr/local/bin mkdir -p $TMPDIR/usr/local/sbin mkdir -p $TMPDIR/usr/local/lib/frr/modules #mkdir -p $TMPDIR/usr/local/etc/init.d mkdir -p $TMPDIR/usr/local/etc/${PACKAGE} #mkdir -p $TMPDIR/usr/local/var/${PACKAGE} mkdir -p $TMPDIR/usr/local/tce.installed mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}/usr/local/share/doc/${PACKAGE}/ mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}/usr/local/share/yang/ mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/bin/* $TMPDIR/usr/local/bin # examples look to be moved to online documentation (only) #mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/etc/${PACKAGE}/* $TMPDIR/usr/local/etc/${PACKAGE} mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/lib/lib*so* $TMPDIR/usr/local/lib mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/lib/frr/modules/*.so $TMPDIR/usr/local/lib/frr/modules mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/sbin/* $TMPDIR/usr/local/sbin cp /tmp/${PACKAGE}/${PACKAGE}-${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}/COPYING* ${TMPDIR}/usr/local/share/doc/${PACKAGE}/ mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/share/yang/* $TMPDIR/usr/local/share/yang/ ################################################## # daemons file # ################################################## cp /tmp/${PACKAGE}/${PACKAGE}-${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}/tools/etc/frr/daemons $TMPDIR/usr/local/etc/frr/daemons.sample sed -i 's/can be found in/can be found online at/g' $TMPDIR/usr/local/etc/frr/daemons.sample sed -i 's/\/usr\/share\/doc\/frr\/examples\/./https:\/\/docs.frrouting.org/g' $TMPDIR/usr/local/etc/frr/daemons.sample sed -i 's/\/etc\/init.d\/frr/ sudo frrinit.sh [namespace]/g' $TMPDIR/usr/local/etc/frr/daemons.sample sed -i 's/user and group "frr"/user "tc" and group "staff"/g' $TMPDIR/usr/local/etc/frr/daemons.sample sed -i 's/^# group "frrvty"/# group "staff"/g' $TMPDIR/usr/local/etc/frr/daemons.sample sed -i '/^ospfd=no/a # ospfd_instances="1,2"' $TMPDIR/usr/local/etc/frr/daemons.sample sed -i "s/\/usr\/lib\/frr\/frrinit.sh/\/usr\/local\/etc\/init.d\/frrinit.sh/g" $TMPDIR/usr/local/etc/frr/daemons.sample ################################################### # Create init-functions file # ################################################### #/lib/lsb/init-functions mkdir -p $TMPDIR/usr/local/lib/frr cat < $TMPDIR/usr/local/lib/frr/init-functions #!/usr/local/bin/bash log_success_msg () { echo "\$@" >&2 [ -x /usr/bin/logger ] && echo "\$@" \\ | /usr/bin/logger -t frr -p daemon.info "\$@" } log_failure_msg () { echo "\$@" >&2 [ -x /usr/bin/logger ] && echo "\$@" \\ | /usr/bin/logger -t frr -p daemon.err "\$@" } log_warning_msg () { echo "\$@" >&2 [ -x /usr/bin/logger ] && echo "\$@" \\ | /usr/bin/logger -t frr -p daemon.warn "\$@" } EOF ################################################## # init file # ################################################## sed -i 's/\/lib\/lsb\/init-functions/\/usr\/local\/lib\/frr\/init-functions/g' $TMPDIR/usr/local/sbin/frrinit.sh sed -i 's/log_failure_msg "Unknown command: $1"/echo "Usage: \[sudo\] frrinit.sh { start | stop | restart | force-reload | status | reload } \[namespace\]"/g' $TMPDIR/usr/local/sbin/frrinit.sh sed -i '18 G' $TMPDIR/usr/local/sbin/frrinit.sh sed -i '18 a fi' $TMPDIR/usr/local/sbin/frrinit.sh sed -i '18 a \ exit 1' $TMPDIR/usr/local/sbin/frrinit.sh sed -i '18 a \ echo "This script must be run by root \(sudo\)" >\&2' $TMPDIR/usr/local/sbin/frrinit.sh sed -i '18 a if \[ "$\(id -u\)" -ne 0 \]; then' $TMPDIR/usr/local/sbin/frrinit.sh ################################################## # *.py file # ################################################## sudo sed -i 's/#!\/usr\/bin\/env python3/#!\/usr\/local\/bin\/python3/g' $TMPDIR/usr/local/sbin/*.py ################################################## # frr-reload.py file # ################################################## # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2429511/why-do-people-write-usr-bin-env-python-on-the-first-line-of-a-python-script sudo sed -i 's/\/usr\/bin/\/usr\/local\/bin/g' $TMPDIR/usr/local/sbin/frr-reload.py sudo sed -i 's/\/etc\/frr/\/usr\/local\/etc\/frr/g' $TMPDIR/usr/local/sbin/frr-reload.py ################################################### # Create info file # ################################################### cd /tmp/submit/ if [ $ARCH == "i686" ] then cat < ${PACKAGE}.tcz.info Title: ${PACKAGE}.tcz Description: ${DESCRIPTION} Version: ${VERSION} Author: ${AUTHORS} Original-site: ${HOMEPAGE} Copying-policy: ${LICENSE} Size: ${size} Extension_by: ${ME} Tags: ${TAGS} "Comments: Frr is a routing software package that provides TCP/IP based" routing services with routing protocols support such as RIPv1, RIPv2, RIPng, OSPFv2, OSPFv3, IS-IS, BGP-4, and BGP-4+. Frr also supports special BGP Route Reflector and Route Server behavior. In addition to traditional IPv4 routing protocols, Frr also supports IPv6 routing protocols. With SNMP daemon which supports SMUX and AgentX protocol, Frr provides routing protocol MIBs. Configuration examples can now be found online at: http://docs.frrouting.org The IPv6 kernel modules are not automatically installed. If IPv6 is desired, install ipv6-netfilter-x.x.x-tinycore.tcz via the Apps GUI, or cli (tce-load -wi ipv6-netfilter-KERNEL). If you want to make use of namespaces install iproute2.tcz via the Apps GUI, or cli (tce-load -wi iproute2). The startup script is located at /usr/local/sbin/frrinit.sh. You can configure the routing protocol daemons to start in file: /usr/local/etc/frr/daemons. If not present cp /usr/local/etc/frr/daemons.sample to /usr/local/etc/frr/daemons and enable to protocols to use. Use the startup script with "sudo frrinit.sh" . Usage: sudo frrinit.sh { start | stop | restart | force-reload | status | reload } [namespace] The reload option is to reload a configuration file without restarting the daemons. After the enabled daemons are running you can login with: vtysh The install script can help to do the basic setup of FRR. By default it will prepare FRR to use vtysh (one configuration for all daemons). If you don't want the install script to do the basic setup for you, you can disable it with creating a file NOSETUPHELP in /tmp (touch /tmp/NOSETUPHELP) before installation. Watchfrr, a daemon monitoring connectivity with routing daemons, is enabled by default. Change-log: 2018/01/23 First Version, 3.0.3 2018/02/25 adapted frr script to work with TCL, 3.0.3 2018/04/20 New major version, 4.0 2019/02/10 New major version, 5.0.2 2019/02/24 fixed script issues, watchfrr support, 5.0.2 2020/04/02 New major version, 6.0.2 ${TODAY} New major version, ${VERSION} Current: ${TODAY} New major version, ${VERSION} EOF elif [ $ARCH == "x86_64" ] then cat < ${PACKAGE}.tcz.info Title: ${PACKAGE}.tcz Description: ${DESCRIPTION} Version: ${VERSION} Author: ${AUTHORS} Original-site: ${HOMEPAGE} Copying-policy: ${LICENSE} Size: ${size} Extension_by: brezular ${ME} Tags: ${TAGS} "Comments: Frr is a routing software package that provides TCP/IP based" routing services with routing protocols support such as RIPv1, RIPv2, RIPng, OSPFv2, OSPFv3, IS-IS, BGP-4, and BGP-4+. Frr also supports special BGP Route Reflector and Route Server behavior. In addition to traditional IPv4 routing protocols, Frr also supports IPv6 routing protocols. With SNMP daemon which supports SMUX and AgentX protocol, Frr provides routing protocol MIBs. Configuration examples can now be found online at: http://docs.frrouting.org The IPv6 kernel modules are not automatically installed. If IPv6 is desired, install ipv6-netfilter-x.x.x-tinycore.tcz via the Apps GUI, or cli (tce-load -wi ipv6-netfilter-KERNEL). If you want to make use of namespaces install iproute2.tcz via the Apps GUI, or cli (tce-load -wi iproute2). The startup script is located at /usr/local/sbin/frrinit.sh. You can configure the routing protocol daemons to start in file: /usr/local/etc/frr/daemons. If not present cp /usr/local/etc/frr/daemons.sample to /usr/local/etc/frr/daemons and enable to protocols to use. Use the startup script with "sudo frrinit.sh" . Usage: sudo frrinit.sh { start | stop | restart | force-reload | status | reload } [namespace] The reload option is to reload a configuration file without restarting the daemons. After the enabled daemons are running you can login with: vtysh The install script can help to do the basic setup of FRR. By default it will prepare FRR to use vtysh (one configuration for all daemons). If you don't want the install script to do the basic setup for you, you can disable it with creating a file NOSETUPHELP in /tmp (touch /tmp/NOSETUPHELP) before installation. Watchfrr, a daemon monitoring connectivity with routing daemons, is enabled by default. Change-log: 2017/10/28 first version 3.1-dev (brezular) 2018/07/14 version 5.0.1 (brezular) ${TODAY} New major version, ${VERSION} ${ME} Current: ${TODAY} New major version, ${VERSION} ${ME} EOF fi ################################################### # Create .dep file # ################################################### if [ $ARCH == "i686" ] then cat < ${PACKAGE}.tcz.dep json-c.tcz libcares.tcz bash.tcz python${PYVER}.tcz libyang.tcz libcap.tcz EOF elif [ $ARCH == "x86_64" ] then cat < ${PACKAGE}.tcz.dep json-c.tcz c-ares.tcz bash.tcz python${PYVER}.tcz libyang.tcz libcap.tcz EOF fi ################################################### # Create install script file # ################################################### cat < $TMPDIR/usr/local/tce.installed/${PACKAGE} if [ -d /usr/local/etc/frr ]; then chown -R tc:staff /usr/local/etc/frr fi if [ -r /usr/local/etc/frr/daemons ]; then echo "After a version upgrade verify if /usr/local/etc/frr/daemons requires changes." | tee /dev/null echo "See /usr/local/etc/frr/daemons.sample for the latest example." | tee /dev/null else sudo -u tc cp /usr/local/etc/frr/daemons.sample /usr/local/etc/frr/daemons sudo -u tc mkdir /var/frr TCEDIR=\`readlink /etc/sysconfig/tcedir\`/optional if [ -r /tmp/NOSETUPHELP ]; then SETUPHELP="no" else SETUPHELP="yes" if [ ! -e "\$TCEDIR"/iana-etc.tcz ] && [ -n \$TCEDIR ]; then sudo -u tc tce-load -wi iana-etc.tcz fi if [ ! -f /usr/local/tce.installed/iana-etc ] && [ -n \$TCEDIR ]; then sudo -u tc tce-load -i iana-etc.tcz fi if [ ! -r /usr/local/etc/frr/frr.conf ]; then touch /usr/local/etc/frr/frr.conf fi if [ ! -f /usr/local/etc/frr/vtysh.conf ]; then echo "username admin nopassword" > /usr/local/etc/frr/vtysh.conf echo "service integrated-vtysh-config" >> /usr/local/etc/frr/vtysh.conf fi chown tc:staff /usr/local/etc/frr/*.conf echo "usr/local/etc/frr/daemons" >> /opt/.filetool.lst echo "etc/services" >> /opt/.filetool.lst echo "usr/local/etc/frr/vtysh.conf" >> /opt/.filetool.lst echo "usr/local/etc/frr/frr.conf" >> /opt/.filetool.lst sed -i 's/^hpstgmgr.*2600\/udp/#hpstgmgr 2600\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^hpstgmgr.*2600\/tcp.*$/zebrasrv 2600\/tcp # zebra service, replacing hpstgmgr/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^discp-client.*2601\/udp/#discp-client 2601\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^discp-client.*2601\/tcp.*$/zebra 2601\/tcp # zebra vty, replacing discp-client/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^discp-server.*2602\/udp/#discp-server 2602\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^discp-server.*2602\/tcp.*$/ripd 2602\/tcp # RIPd vty, replacing discp-server/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^servicemeter.*2603\/udp/#servicemeter 2603\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^servicemeter.*2603\/tcp.*$/ripngd 2603\/tcp # RIPngd vty, replacing servicemeter/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^nsc-ccs.*2604\/udp/#nsc-ccs 2604\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^nsc-ccs.*2604\/tcp.*$/ospfd 2604\/tcp # OSPFd vty, replacing nsc-ccs/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^nsc-posa.*2605\/udp/#nsc-posa 2605\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^nsc-posa.*2605\/tcp.*$/bgpd 2605\/tcp # BGPd vty, replacing nsc-posa/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^netmon.*2606\/udp/#netmon 2606\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^netmon.*2606\/tcp.*$/ospf6d 2606\/tcp # OSPF6d vty, replacing netmon/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^connection.*2607\/udp/#connection 2607\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^connection.*2607\/tcp.*$/ospfapi 2607\/tcp # ospfapi, replacing connection/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^wag-service.*2608\/udp/#wag-service 2608\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^wag-service.*2608\/tcp.*$/isisd 2608\/tcp # ISISd vty, replacing wag-service/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^system-monitor.*2609\/udp/#system-monitor 2609\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^system-monitor.*2609\/tcp.*$/babeld 2609\/tcp # BABELd vty, replacing system-monitor/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^versa-tek.*2610\/udp/#versa-tek 2610\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^versa-tek.*2610\/tcp.*$/nhrpd 2610\/tcp # nhrpd vty, replacing versa-tek/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^lionhead.*2611\/udp/#lionhead 2611\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^lionhead.*2611\/tcp.*$/pimd 2611\/tcp # PIMd vty, replacing lionhead/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^qpasa-agent.*2612\/udp/#qpasa-agent 2612\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^qpasa-agent.*2612\/tcp.*$/ldpd 2612\/tcp # LDPd vty, replacing qpasa-agent/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^smntubootstrap.*2613\/udp/#smntubootstrap 2613\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^smntubootstrap.*2613\/tcp.*$/eigprd 2613\/tcp # EIGRPd vty, replacing smntubootstrap/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^cmadmin.*2617\/udp/#cmadmin 2617\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^cmadmin.*2617\/tcp.*$/bfdd 2617\/tcp # bfdd vty, replacing cmadmin/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^priority-e-com.*2618\/udp/#priority-e-com 2618\/udp/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^priority-e-com.*2618\/tcp.*$/fabricd 2618\/tcp # fabricd vty, replacing priority-e-com/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^bruce.*2619\/udp.*$/#bruce 2619\/udp # vrrpd vty, replacing bruce/g' /etc/services sed -i 's/^bruce.*2619\/tcp.*$/vrrpd 2619\/tcp # vrrpd vty, replacing bruce/g' /etc/services fi fi EOF # Delete compilation work directory cd .. #rm -r -f $WRKDIR # Adjust directory access rigths find $TMPDIR/ -type d | xargs chmod -v 755; # Strip executables find $TMPDIR | xargs file | grep ELF | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded # Move files to doc extension mkdir -p $TMPDIR-doc/usr/local/share/man/man1 mkdir -p $TMPDIR-doc/usr/local/share/man/man8 mkdir -p $TMPDIR-doc/usr/local/share/info mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/share/man/man1/* $TMPDIR-doc/usr/local/share/man/man1 mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/share/man/man8/* $TMPDIR-doc/usr/local/share/man/man8 mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/share/info/* $TMPDIR-doc/usr/local/share/info ################################################### # Create info file # ################################################### cd /tmp/submit/ if [ $ARCH == "i686" ] then cat < ${PACKAGE}-doc.tcz.info Title: ${PACKAGE}-doc.tcz Description: ${DOCDESCRIPTION} Version: ${VERSION} Author: ${AUTHORS} Original-site: ${HOMEPAGE} Copying-policy: ${LICENSE} Size: ${size} Extension_by: ${ME} Tags: ${DOCTAGS} Comments: Frr is a routing software package that provides TCP/IP based routing services with routing protocols support such as RIPv1, RIPv2, RIPng, OSPFv2, OSPFv3, IS-IS, BGP-4, and BGP-4+. Frr also supports special BGP Route Reflector and Route Server behavior. In addition to traditional IPv4 routing protocols, Frr also supports IPv6 routing protocols. With SNMP daemon which supports SMUX and AgentX protocol, Frr provides routing protocol MIBs. Configuration examples can now be found online at: http://docs.frrouting.org Change-log: 2018/01/23 First Version, 3.0.3 2018/04/20 New major version, 4.0 2019/02/10 New major version, 5.0.2 2019/02/24 fixed script issues, watchfrr support, 5.0.2 2020/04/02 New major version, 6.0.2 ${TODAY} New major version, ${VERSION} Current: ${TODAY} New major version, ${VERSION} EOF elif [ $ARCH == "x86_64" ] then cat < ${PACKAGE}-doc.tcz.info Title: ${PACKAGE}-doc.tcz Description: ${DOCDESCRIPTION} Version: ${VERSION} Author: ${AUTHORS} Original-site: ${HOMEPAGE} Copying-policy: ${LICENSE} Size: ${size} Extension_by: ${ME} Tags: ${DOCTAGS} Comments: Frr is a routing software package that provides TCP/IP based routing services with routing protocols support such as RIPv1, RIPv2, RIPng, OSPFv2, OSPFv3, IS-IS, BGP-4, and BGP-4+. Frr also supports special BGP Route Reflector and Route Server behavior. In addition to traditional IPv4 routing protocols, Frr also supports IPv6 routing protocols. With SNMP daemon which supports SMUX and AgentX protocol, Frr provides routing protocol MIBs. Configuration examples can now be found online at: http://docs.frrouting.org Change-log: ${TODAY} New major version, ${VERSION} (${ME}) Current: ${TODAY} New major version, ${VERSION} (${ME}) EOF fi # omit .la files from dev mkdir -p $TMPDIR-dev/usr/local/lib mkdir -p $TMPDIR-dev/usr/local/include/frr mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/lib/lib*.a $TMPDIR-dev/usr/local/lib # omit .la files from dev # mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/lib/frr/modules/*.*a $TMPDIR-dev/usr/local/lib/frr/modules mv ${DESTDIR}/usr/local/include/frr/* $TMPDIR-dev/usr/local/include/frr/ ################################################### # Create info file # ################################################### cd /tmp/submit/ if [ $ARCH == "i686" ] then cat < ${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz.info Title: ${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz Description: ${DEVDESCRIPTION} Version: ${VERSION} Author: ${AUTHORS} Original-site: ${HOMEPAGE} Copying-policy: ${LICENSE} Size: ${size} Extension_by: ${ME} Tags: ${DEVTAGS} Comments: Frr is a routing software package that provides TCP/IP based routing services with routing protocols support such as RIPv1, RIPv2, RIPng, OSPFv2, OSPFv3, IS-IS, BGP-4, and BGP-4+. Frr also supports special BGP Route Reflector and Route Server behavior. In addition to traditional IPv4 routing protocols, Frr also supports IPv6 routing protocols. With SNMP daemon which supports SMUX and AgentX protocol, Frr provides routing protocol MIBs. Change-log: 2018/01/23 First Version, 3.0.3 2018/04/20 New major version, 4.0 2019/02/10 New major version, 5.0.2 2019/02/24 fixed script issues, watchfrr support, 5.0.2 2020/04/02 New major version, 6.0.2 ${TODAY} New major version, ${VERSION} Current: ${TODAY} New major version, ${VERSION} EOF elif [ $ARCH == "x86_64" ] then cat < ${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz.info Title: ${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz Description: ${DEVDESCRIPTION} Version: ${VERSION} Author: ${AUTHORS} Original-site: ${HOMEPAGE} Copying-policy: ${LICENSE} Size: ${size} Extension_by: brezular ${ME} Tags: ${DEVTAGS} Comments: Frr is a routing software package that provides TCP/IP based routing services with routing protocols support such as RIPv1, RIPv2, RIPng, OSPFv2, OSPFv3, IS-IS, BGP-4, and BGP-4+. Frr also supports special BGP Route Reflector and Route Server behavior. In addition to traditional IPv4 routing protocols, Frr also supports IPv6 routing protocols. With SNMP daemon which supports SMUX and AgentX protocol, Frr provides routing protocol MIBs. Change-log: 2017/10/28 first version, 3.0.3 (brezular) 2018/07/14 New major version, 5.0. (brezular) ${TODAY} New major version, ${VERSION} (${ME}) Current: ${TODAY} New major version, ${VERSION} (${ME}) EOF fi ################################################### # Create .dep file # ################################################### if [ $ARCH == "i686" ] then cat < ${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz.dep ipv6-netfilter-KERNEL.tcz frr.tcz json-c-dev.tcz readline-dev.tcz libcares-dev.tcz EOF elif [ $ARCH == "x86_64" ] then cat < ${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz.dep ipv6-netfilter-KERNEL.tcz frr.tcz json-c-dev.tcz readline-dev.tcz c-ares-dev.tcz EOF fi ################################################### # Create base extension in temp dir # ################################################### cd $TMPDIR find $TMPDIR -perm 777 -exec chmod 755 {} \; find $TMPDIR -perm 555 -exec chmod 755 {} \; find $TMPDIR -perm 444 -exec chmod 644 {} \; find $TMPDIR -perm 666 -exec chmod 644 {} \; find $TMPDIR -perm 664 -exec chmod 644 {} \; sudo chown -R root:root $TMPDIR sudo chown -R root:staff $TMPDIR/usr/local/tce.installed sudo chmod -R 775 $TMPDIR/usr/local/tce.installed #sudo chown tc:staff $TMPDIR/usr/local/var/frr sudo chown -R tc:staff $TMPDIR/usr/local/etc/frr sudo chmod 755 $TMPDIR/usr/local/lib/frr/init-functions cd .. mksquashfs $TMPDIR ${PACKAGE}.tcz cd $TMPDIR sudo sh -c "find usr -not -type d > ${PACKAGE}.tcz.list" sudo mv ../${PACKAGE}.tcz . sudo mv ../${PACKAGE}.tcz.info . sudo mv ../${PACKAGE}.tcz.dep . # Create md5 file sudo sh -c "md5sum ${PACKAGE}.tcz > ${PACKAGE}.tcz.md5.txt" # Cleanup temp directory sudo rm -r -f usr ################################################### # Create doc extension in temp dir # ################################################### cd $TMPDIR-doc find $TMPDIR-doc -perm 777 -exec chmod 755 {} \; find $TMPDIR-doc -perm 555 -exec chmod 755 {} \; find $TMPDIR-doc -perm 444 -exec chmod 644 {} \; find $TMPDIR-doc -perm 666 -exec chmod 644 {} \; find $TMPDIR-doc -perm 664 -exec chmod 644 {} \; sudo chown -R root:root $TMPDIR-doc cd .. mksquashfs $TMPDIR-doc ${PACKAGE}-doc.tcz cd $TMPDIR-doc sudo sh -c "find usr -not -type d > ${PACKAGE}-doc.tcz.list" sudo mv ../${PACKAGE}-doc.tcz . sudo mv ../${PACKAGE}-doc.tcz.info . # Create md5 file sudo sh -c "md5sum ${PACKAGE}-doc.tcz > ${PACKAGE}-doc.tcz.md5.txt" # Cleanup temp directory sudo rm -r -f usr ################################################### # Create dev extension in temp dir # ################################################### cd $TMPDIR-dev find $TMPDIR-dev -perm 777 -exec chmod 755 {} \; find $TMPDIR-dev -perm 555 -exec chmod 755 {} \; find $TMPDIR-dev -perm 444 -exec chmod 644 {} \; find $TMPDIR-dev -perm 666 -exec chmod 644 {} \; find $TMPDIR-dev -perm 664 -exec chmod 644 {} \; sudo chown -R root:root $TMPDIR-dev cd .. mksquashfs $TMPDIR-dev ${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz cd $TMPDIR-dev sudo sh -c "find usr -not -type d > ${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz.list" sudo mv ../${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz . sudo mv ../${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz.info . sudo mv ../${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz.dep . # Create md5 file sudo sh -c "md5sum ${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz > ${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz.md5.txt" # Cleanup temp directory sudo rm -r -f usr