tce-load -i compiletc meson libadwaita-dev gst-plugins-bad-dev rust desktop-file-utils wget cd snapshot-45.2 mkdir build cd build CC="gcc -flto -mtune=generic -Os -pipe" CXX="g++ -flto -mtune=generic -Os -pipe -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" meson --prefix=/usr/local --localstatedir=/var --buildtype=plain ninja [10m 30.95s] sudo ninja install Could not use the camera portal: ZBus Error: I/O error: No such file or directory (os error 2) runtime dep pipewire03 ## XDG Desktop Portal Snapshot uses the camera portal to request camera access. There are desktop environment specific implementations for it, thus ensure to have the matching one installed: * [Gnome]( * [KDE]( * [wlroots]( (Sway, Phosh, Hyprland etc.) If Snapshot can't find any devices, you can check camera permissions in various ways, a simple one being [Flatseal]( ## Gstreamer Snapshot uses `GstPipeWire` components. In order to list available cameras and additional information about them, look for entries that contain `gst-launch-1.0 pipewiresrc` when running: snapshot 45.2 User defined options buildtype : plain localstatedir: /var prefix : /usr/local