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FATAL ERROR aborting: Out of memory in uncompress_directory_table FATAL ERROR aborting: uncompress_directory_table: failed to read block FATAL ERROR aborting: failed to allocate paths FATAL ERROR aborting: Out of memory in add_path FATAL ERROR aborting: invalid regex %s in export %s, because %s FATAL ERROR aborting: Out of memory in init_subdir FATAL ERROR aborting: Out of memory in add_subdir /little endian big endian failed to get time not unFound a valid %sSQUASHFS %d:%d superblock on %s. Creation or last append time %sFilesystem size %.2f Kbytes (%.2f Mbytes) Compression %s Block size %d Filesystem is %sexportable via NFS Inodes are %scompressed Data is %scompressed Fragments are not storedFragments are %scompressed Always_use_fragments option is %sspecified Xattrs are not storedXattrs are %scompressed Check data is %spresent in the filesystem Duplicates are %sremoved Duplicates are removedNumber of fragments %d Number of inodes %d Number of ids %d Number of uids %d Number of gids %d Reading a different endian SQUASHFS filesystem on %s Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on %s Filesystem on %s is (%d:%d), which is a later filesystem version than I support! gzipFATAL ERROR aborting: Could not open %s, because %s %16384[^ ] FATAL ERROR aborting: Failed to set signal mask in intialise_threads FATAL ERROR aborting: Out of memory allocating thread descriptors FATAL ERROR aborting: Failed to create thread Parallel unsquashfs: Using %d processor%s dir_scan: failed to make directory %s, because %s [] %*lld/%*lld %3lld%%squashfs-root-versionunsquashfs version 4.2 (2011/02/28)copyright (C) 2011 Phillip Lougher This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/ormodify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licenseas published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2,or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNU General Public License for more details.-info-no-progress-no-xattrs-xattrs-dest%s: -dest missing filename -processors%s: -processors missing or invalid processor number %s: -processors should be 1 or larger -data-queue%s: -data-queue missing or invalid queue size %s: -data-queue should be 1 Mbyte or larger -frag-queue%s: -frag-queue missing or invalid queue size %s: -frag-queue should be 1 Mbyte or larger -force-stat-lls-linfo%s: -ef missing filename -regexSYNTAX: %s [options] filesystem [directories or files to extract] -v[ersion] print version, licence and copyright information -d[est] unsquash to , default "squashfs-root" -n[o-progress] don't display the progress bar -no[-xattrs] don't extract xattrs in file system (default) -x[attrs] extract xattrs in file system -p[rocessors] use processors. By default will use number of processors available -i[nfo] print files as they are unsquashed -li[nfo] print files as they are unsquashed with file attributes (like ls -l output) -l[s] list filesystem, but don't unsquash -ll[s] list filesystem with file attributes (like ls -l output), but don't unsquash -f[orce] if file already exists then overwrite -s[tat] display filesystem superblock information -e[f] list of directories or files to extract. One per line -da[ta-queue] Set data queue to Mbytes. Default %d Mbytes -fr[ag-queue] Set fragment queue to Mbytes. Default %d Mbytes -r[egex] treat extract names as POSIX regular expressions rather than use the default shell wildcard expansion (globbing) Decompressors available: Could not open %s, because %s Filesystem uses %s compression, this is unsupported by this version Decompressors available: FATAL ERROR aborting: failed to allocate fragment_data FATAL ERROR aborting: failed to allocate file_dataFATAL ERROR aborting: failed to allocate data FATAL ERROR aborting: failed to allocate created_inode FATAL ERROR aborting: failed to uid/gid table FATAL ERROR aborting: failed to read fragment table FATAL ERROR aborting: failed to read the xattr table %d inodes (%d blocks) to write created %d files created %d directories created %d symlinks created %d devices created %d fifos FATAL ERROR aborting: read_inode: inode table block %lld not found FATAL ERROR aborting: read_inode: failed to malloc symlink data FATAL ERROR aborting: Unknown inode type %d in read_inode_header_1! FATAL ERROR aborting: squashfs_opendir: directory block %d not found! FATAL ERROR aborting: squashfs_opendir: malloc failed! FATAL ERROR aborting: squashfs_opendir: realloc failed! read_uids_guids: failed to allocate uid/gid table read_uids_guids: failed to read uid/gid table FATAL ERROR aborting: read_fragment_table: failed to allocate fragment table read_fragment_table: failed to read fragment table index read_fragment_table: failed to read fragment table block FATAL ERROR aborting: Unknown inode type %d in read_inode_header_2! FATAL ERROR aborting: Unknown inode type %d in read_inode! read_uids_guids: failed to allocate id table read_uids_guids: failed to read id index table read_uids_guids: failed to read id table block (default)%s %s%s %s%s %s (no options)%s lzmalzoxzunknown1.2.7Failed to allocate index array Failed to allocate xattr id table Failed to read xattr id table block %d, from 0x%llx, length %d Failed to realloc xattr data Failed to allocate hash entry Failed to read xattr block %d Out of memory in get_xattrs Out of memory in read_xattr_entry Unrecognised type in read_xattr_entry user.trusted.security.a weird error occurredno extended attribute space remaining on destination filesystemextended attributes are not supported by the destination filesystemFailed to read xattrs for file %s write_xattr: failed to write xattr %s for file %s because %s write_xattr: could not write xattr %s for file %s because you're not superuser! 7` \`DUz L Slpo Y o$oovxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXsl`b@d cprw rwrw@@s@S@@xsSx t T x@` @` tH\pdphplp$877_qqqkGCC: (Debian 4.6.3-8+rpi1) 4.6.3GCC: (Debian 4.6.3-1.1+rpi2) 4.6.3A.aeabi$6  ,.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.ARM.exidx.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.data.bss.comment.ARM.attributes 44PP !pp$8p4o> pF YNovv[o$$j s  |LL wXXHHػ S (S( p@s@(hshllppttxxX 0Dp/3