Title: Xorg-7.6.tcz Description: X.org server Version: 7.6 (1.11) Author: Various Original-site: http://x.org Copying-policy: X11 Size: 8.2M Extension_by: Curaga Tags: X.org server Comments: To run confless, restart X after loading the extension. If you need to configure something, such as a keymap, or have trouble with autodetection, create a xorg.conf. . == Drivers not included, install xf86-video-all if unsure == . If you are only looking to get software 3D and no accel, instead of creating a config file suitable for your hardware like below, you can rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf.vesa to xorg.conf. . To get Xorg with accel, exit to prompt, get a root console (sudo su), and then Xorg -configure . Edit the newly created config file as needed. When ready copy it to /etc/X11 named xorg.conf. Remember to add this file to your backup (/opt/.filetool.lst) or save it some other way. . See Xorg-7.6-3d.tcz for acceleration. . Please note, for AGP or integrated AGP cards such as Intel chips you will always need graphics-KERNEL.tcz. . Tips on 3D and X keymaps can be found in /etc/X11/README.xorg.conf. Change-log: 2011/09/11 Original Current: 2011/09/23 Fix 3d