#!/bin/sh echo "Don't forget to update this script with the change-log! Press ENTER to start..." read NAME="proftpd" VERSION="1.3.4a" SOURCE="ftp://ftp.proftpd.org/distrib/source/proftpd-$VERSION.tar.gz" CONFIGURE="--prefix=/usr/local --bindir=/usr/local/bin --sysconfdir=/usr/local/etc --libexecdir=/usr/local/libexec --localstatedir=/var/run --sbindir=/usr/local/sbin --disable-ident --enable-nls --enable-scoreboard-updates --enable-tunable-buffer-size --enable-autoshadow --enable-shadow --enable-openssl --enable-pcre --with-modules=mod_tls:mod_ifsession:mod_rewrite:mod_deflate:mod_copy:mod_load" DATE=`date '+%Y/%m/%d'` SCRIPT_NAME=$(basename $0) cp $0 /tmp/ export CFLAGS="-march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe" export CXXFLAGS="-march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe" export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1" echo "Downloading essential packages..." tce-load -wi compiletc libiconv libiconv-dev gettext squashfs-tools-4.x openssl-1.0.0 openssl-1.0.0-dev zlib_base-dev pcre pcre-dev cd /tmp/ wget $SOURCE sudo rm -rf $NAME-$VERSION 2>/dev/null sudo rm /tmp/$NAME.tcz /tmp/$NAME.tcz.list /tmp/$NAME.tcz.md5.txt /tmp/$NAME.tcz.dep 2>/dev/null sudo rm -rf /tmp/$NAME 2>/dev/null sudo rm /tmp/$NAME-doc.tcz /tmp/$NAME-doc.tcz.list /tmp/$NAME-doc.tcz.md5.txt /tmp/$NAME-doc.tcz.dep 2>/dev/null sudo rm -rf /tmp/$NAME-doc 2>/dev/null tar xvfz $NAME-$VERSION.tar.gz cd $NAME-$VERSION echo " Starting ./configure $CONFIGURE" ./configure $CONFIGURE echo "Press ENTER to continue... " read make -j3 echo " Starting make install to: /tmp/$NAME" sudo make DESTDIR=/tmp/$NAME install cd /tmp/$NAME sudo find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | grep "not stripped" | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null sudo find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | grep "not stripped" | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip -g 2> /dev/null sudo rm /tmp/$NAME/usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf sudo echo "########## # Global # ########## ServerName \"proFTPd\" ServerType standalone # Our proftpd will be a standalone daemon, which gives us speed and reliability. ServerIdent on \"Welcome\" DeferWelcome on DefaultServer on # If not switched on, won't answer calls from unknown destinations DisplayLogin \"Logged in...\" # Textfile to display on login DisplayConnect \"Connected...\" # Textfile to display on connection Port 21 PassivePorts 63300 63399 #DefaultAddress #MasqueradeAddress # Needed for proper passive mode if you are behind a NAT router Umask 000 DefaultTransferMode binary UseIPv6 off # Set off to disable IPv6 support which is annoying on IPv4 only boxes. UseReverseDNS off # This will speed up the login process but makes log less readable. #IdentLookups off # Check the users identity. #MultilineRFC2228 on ScoreboardFile /var/run/proftpd.scoreboard PidFile /var/run/proftpd.pid # Set compression module DeflateEngine on DeflateLog /var/log/proftpd/proftpd_deflate.log # Define 'local' class From From Satisfy any ################### # Traffic Shaping # ################### # Download Limit per clients in KB/s (zero value means unlimited) : free bytes (free means: you can download without transfer rate limiting) TransferRate RETR 0:0 # Upload Limit per clients in KB/s (zero value means unlimited : free bytes (Append, Store, StoreUnique) TransferRate APPE,STOR,STOU 0:0 ############### # Performance # ############### MaxInstances 20 # To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes. MaxClientsPerHost 6 # Limits the connections per client machine. (\"Sorry, the maximum number clients (%m) from your host are already connected.\") MaxClients 10 # Limits the number of users that can connect at the same time. (\"Sorry, the maximum number of allowed users are already connected (%m)\") MaxHostsPerUser 10 # Limit the number of connections per userid. (How many different machines can use the same userid at the same time) MaxLoginAttempts 1 # Configures the maximum number of times a client may attempt to authenticate to the server during a given connection. After the number of attempts exceeds this value, the user is disconnected and an appropriate message is logged via the syslog mechanism. TimeoutLogin 60 # The amount of time, in seconds, a user is allowed to spend authenticating to the FTP server. TimeoutNoTransfer 1800 # The maximum number of seconds a client is allowed to stay connected after authentication without issuing a command. TimeoutStalled 1800 # Set the maximum number of seconds a data connection is allowed to \"stall\" before being aborted. TimeoutIdle 1800 # The maximum number of seconds a client can remain connected without receiving any data on either the control or data connection. TimeoutSession 0 # The maximum number of seconds a connection between the server and client can exist after the client has successfully authenticated. SocketOptions sndbuf 16384 rcvbuf 16384 #proFTPd need to be compiled with '--enable-tunable-buffer-size' to use this option AllowOverride off # Another way to speed up directory listings to disable proftpd's checking for .ftpaccess files in every directory encountered AllowStoreRestart on # Allow clients to resume uploads AllowRetrieveRestart on # Allow clients to resume downloads UseSendfile off # Use of sendfile functionality avoids separate read and send operations, and buffer allocations. But on some platforms or within some filesystems, it is better to disable this feature to avoid operational problems. UseEncoding on # Enable use of UTF8 encoding and to not allow clients to change the use of UTF8 ScoreboardScrub off # You can set: \"on\", \"off\" or you can specify an update interval in seconds (default is: 30s). You can use the ftpscrub command to update the scoreboard manually. ListOptions +R strict # Recursive directory listing is a server intensive task and normally not allowed. Uncomment this if you trust your clients. # Reject connections to our busy server (mod_load) MaxLoad 10.0 \"Server is busy, try again later!\" ############ # Security # ############ RootLogin off #User nobody #Group nogroup AllowForeignAddress on # By enabling this directive, proftpd will allow clients to transmit foreign data connection addresses that do not match the client's address. This is needed for FXP, but will also allow the type of attack known as \"FTP bounce\" attack. AuthUserFile /usr/local/etc/proftpd.passwd AuthGroupFile /usr/local/etc/proftpd.group RequireValidShell off PathDenyFilter \"\\\\.ftp)|\\\\.ht)[a-z]+$\" DefaultRoot ~ DenyFilter \*.*/ # Delay engine reduces impact of the so-called Timing Attack described in: # http://security.lss.hr/index.php?page=details&ID=LSS-2004-10-02 DelayEngine off TLSEngine off #TLSLog /var/log/proftpd_tls.log # Support both SSLv3 and TLSv1 TLSProtocol SSLv3 TLSv1 TLSOptions NoCertRequest # Are clients required to use FTP over TLS when talking to this server? TLSRequired off # Server's certificate #TLSRSACertificateFile /usr/local/etc/proftpd_server.cert.pem #TLSRSACertificateKeyFile /usr/local/etc/proftpd_server.key.pem # CA the server trusts #TLSCACertificateFile /usr/local/etc/proftpd_rootCA.cert.pem # Authenticate clients that want to use FTP over TLS? TLSVerifyClient off # Allow SSL/TLS renegotiations when the client requests them, but # do not force the renegotations. Some clients do not support # SSL/TLS renegotiations; when mod_tls forces a renegotiation, these # clients will close the data connection, or there will be a timeout # on an idle data connection. TLSRenegotiate none # Bar use of SITE CHMOD by default DenyAll # Bar use of SITE COPY by default (The mod_copy module implements SITE CPFR and SITE CPTO commands (analogous to RNFR and RNTO), which can be used to copy files/directories from one place to another on the server without having to transfer the data to the client and back.) AllowUser sitecopyexampleuser DenyAll AllowOverwrite on HideNoAccess on AllowAll DenyGroup !readwrite ########### # Logging # ########### # Some logging formats LogFormat default \"{%F %T}t - %a - %u - %r - %s - %b - %T\" LogFormat auth \"%{%F %T}t - %a - %u - %r (%s)\" LogFormat write \"{%F %T}t - %a - %u - %r - %s - %b - %T\" # Define log-files to use ExtendedLog /var/log/proftpd_access.log WRITE,READ write ExtendedLog /var/log/proftpd_auth.log AUTH auth #ExtendedLog /var/log/proftpd_paranoid.log ALL default #TransferLog /var/log/proftpd_xferlog # Debug Level # emerg, alert, crit (empfohlen), error, warn. notice, info, debug SyslogLevel alert SystemLog /var/log/proftpd_alert.log " > /tmp/proftpd.conf sudo mv /tmp/proftpd.conf /tmp/$NAME/usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf sudo mkdir -p /tmp/$NAME/usr/local/etc/init.d sudo echo "#!/bin/sh # ProFTPD files FTPD_BIN=/usr/local/sbin/proftpd FTPD_CONF=/usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf PIDFILE=/var/run/proftpd.pid # If PIDFILE exists we use that PID, if doesn't we try to get the PID from ps|grep if [ -f \$PIDFILE ]; then pid=\`cat \$PIDFILE\` else pid=\`ps -ef|grep proftpd|egrep -vi 'grep|init\\.d'|sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//'|cut -d\" \" -f1\` fi if [ ! -x \$FTPD_BIN ]; then echo \"\$FTPD_BIN: cannot execute\" exit 1 fi case \$1 in start) if [ -n \"\$pid\" ]; then echo \" - proftpd is already running...\" exit fi if [ -r \$FTPD_CONF ]; then echo -n \" - Starting proftpd... \" echo \"\" >/var/log/proftpd_startup.log \$FTPD_BIN -c \$FTPD_CONF >>/var/log/proftpd_startup.log 2>>/var/log/proftpd_startup.log else echo \"Cannot start proftpd -- \$FTPD_CONF missing\" fi if [ \`ps|grep proftpd|egrep -vic 'grep|init\\.d'\` -eq 0 ]; then echo \"Failed to start\" 1>&2 exit 1 else echo \"OK\" fi ;; stop) if [ -n \"\$pid\" ]; then echo -n \" - Stopping proftpd... \" kill -TERM \$pid 2>/dev/null sleep 1 kill -KILL \$pid 2>/dev/null sleep 0.5 else echo \" - proftpd is not running...\" exit 1 fi sleep 0.5 if [ \`ps|grep proftpd|egrep -vic 'grep|init\\.d'\` -eq 0 ]; then echo \"OK\" else echo \"Failed to stop\" 1>&2 exit 1 fi ;; restart) \$0 stop \$0 start ;; reload) if [ -n \"\$pid\" ]; then echo \"Reloading proftpd configuration\" kill -HUP \$pid 2>/dev/null else echo \" - proftpd is not running...\" \$0 start fi ;; *) echo \"usage: \$0 {start|stop|restart|reload}\" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0" > /tmp/proftpd-init sudo chmod +x /tmp/proftpd-init sudo mv /tmp/proftpd-init /tmp/$NAME/usr/local/etc/init.d/proftpd sudo echo "#!/usr/bin/perl # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2000-2010 TJ Saunders # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Based on MacGuyver's genuser.pl script, this script generates password # files suitable for use with proftpd's AuthUserFile directive, in passwd(5) # format, or AuthGroupFile, in group(5) format. The idea is somewhat similar # to Apache's htpasswd program. # # \$Id: ftpasswd,v 2010/05/27 17:50:50 castaglia Exp \$ # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use File::Basename qw(basename); use Getopt::Long; # turn off auto abbreviation \$Getopt::Long::auto_abbrev = 0; my \$program = basename(\$0); my \$default_passwd_file = \"./ftpd.passwd\"; my \$default_group_file = \"./ftpd.group\"; my \$shell_file = \"/etc/shells\"; my \$default_cracklib_dict = \"/usr/lib/cracklib_dict\"; my \$cracklib_dict; my \$output_file; my \$version = \"1.1.3\"; my @data; my %opts = (); GetOptions(\%opts, 'change-password', 'delete-group', 'delete-user', 'des', 'enable-group-passwd', 'file=s', 'F|force', 'gecos=s', 'gid=n', 'group', 'hash', 'h|help', 'home=s', 'md5', 'm|member=s@', 'name=s', 'not-previous-password', 'not-system-password', 'passwd', 'shell=s', 'stdin', 'uid=n', 'use-cracklib:s', 'version', ); usage() if (defined(\$opts{'h'})); version() if (defined(\$opts{'version'})); # check if \"use-cracklib\" was given as an option, and whether a path # to other dictionary files was given. if (defined(\$opts{'use-cracklib'})) { # make sure that Crypt::Cracklib is installed before trying to use # it later eval { require Crypt::Cracklib }; die \"\$program: --use-cracklib requires Crypt::Cracklib to be installed\n\" if \$@; if (\$opts{'use-cracklib'} ne \"\") { \$cracklib_dict = \$opts{'use-cracklib'}; } else { \$cracklib_dict = \$default_cracklib_dict; } } # make sure that both passwd and group modes haven't been simultaneously # requested if ((exists(\$opts{'passwd'}) && exists(\$opts{'group'})) || (exists(\$opts{'passwd'}) && exists(\$opts{'hash'})) || (exists(\$opts{'group'}) && exists(\$opts{'hash'}))) { die \"\$program: please use *one*: --passwd, --group, or --hash\n\"; } elsif (defined(\$opts{'passwd'})) { # determine to which file to write the passwd entry if (defined(\$opts{'file'})) { \$output_file = \$opts{'file'}; print STDOUT \"\$program: using alternate file: \$output_file\n\" } else { \$output_file = \$default_passwd_file; } # make sure that the required arguments are present die \"\$program: --passwd: missing required argument: --name\n\" unless (defined(\$opts{'name'})); # check for and handle the --delete-user option. if (defined(\$opts{'delete-user'})) { # make sure we can write/update the file first unless (chmod 0644, \$output_file) { die \"\$program: unable to set permissions on \$output_file to 0644: \$!\n\"; } open_output_file(); my (\$pass, \$uid, \$gid, \$gecos, \$home, \$shell) = find_passwd_entry(name => \$opts{'name'}); handle_passwd_entry(name => \$opts{'name'}, uid => \$uid, gid => \$gid, gecos => \$gecos, home => \$home, shell => \$shell, delete_user => \$opts{'delete-user'}); close_output_file(); # done exit 0; } # now check for the --change-password option. If present, lookup # the given name in the password file, and reuse all the information # except for the password if (defined(\$opts{'change-password'})) { open_output_file(); my (\$pass, \$uid, \$gid, \$gecos, \$home, \$shell) = find_passwd_entry(name => \$opts{'name'}); handle_passwd_entry(name => \$opts{'name'}, uid => \$uid, gid => \$gid, gecos => \$gecos, home => \$home, shell => \$shell); close_output_file(); # done exit 0; } # check for the --not-system-password option. If present, make sure that # a) the script is running with root privs, and b) perl on the system is # such that getpwnam() will return the system password if (defined(\$opts{'not-system-password'})) { die \"\$program: must be user root for system password check\n\" unless (\$> == 0); } die \"\$program: --passwd: missing required argument: --home\n\" unless (defined(\$opts{'home'})); die \"\$program: --passwd: missing required argument: --shell\n\" unless (defined(\$opts{'shell'})); die \"\$program: --passwd: missing required argument: --uid\n\" unless (defined(\$opts{'uid'})); # As per Flying Hamster's suggestion, have \$opts{'gid'} default to --uid # if none are specified on the command-line via --gid unless (defined(\$opts{'gid'})) { \$opts{'gid'} = \$opts{'uid'}; warn \"\$program: --passwd: missing --gid argument: default gid set to uid\n\"; } open_output_file(); handle_passwd_entry(name => \$opts{'name'}, uid => \$opts{'uid'}, gid => \$opts{'gid'}, gecos => \$opts{'gecos'}, home => \$opts{'home'}, shell => \$opts{'shell'}, delete_user => \$opts{'delete-user'}); close_output_file(); # NOTE: if this process is not running as root, then the file generated # is not owned by root. Issue a warning reminding the user to make the # generated file mode 0400, owned by root, before using it. } elsif (defined(\$opts{'group'})) { # determine to which file to write the group entry if (defined(\$opts{'file'})) { \$output_file = \$opts{'file'}; print STDOUT \"\$program: using alternate file: \$output_file\n\"; } else { \$output_file = \$default_group_file; } # check for and handle the --delete-group option. if (defined(\$opts{'delete-group'})) { # make sure we can write/update the file first unless (chmod 0644, \$output_file) { die \"\$program: unable to set permissions on \$output_file to 0644: \$!\n\"; } open_output_file(); handle_group_entry(name => \$opts{'name'}, delete_group => \$opts{'delete-group'}); close_output_file(); # done exit 0; } # make sure the required options are present die \"\$program: --group: missing required argument: --gid\n\" unless (defined(\$opts{'gid'})); die \"\$program: --group: missing required argument: --name\n\" unless (defined(\$opts{'name'})); open_output_file(); handle_group_entry(gid => \$opts{'gid'}, members => \$opts{'m'}, name => \$opts{'name'}, delete_user => \$opts{'delete-user'}, delete_group => \$opts{'delete-group'}); close_output_file(); } elsif (defined(\$opts{'hash'})) { print STDOUT \"\$program: \", get_passwd(), \"\n\"; } else { die \"\$program: missing required --passwd or --group\n\$program: use \$program --help for details on usage\n\n\"; } # done exit 0; # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub check_shell { my %args = @_; my \$shell = \$args{'shell'}; my \$result = 0; # check the given shell against the list in /etc/shells. If not present # there, issue a message recognizing this, and suggesting that # RequireValidShell be set to off, and that any necessary PAM modules be # adjusted. unless (open(SHELLS, \"< \$shell_file\")) { warn \"\$program: unable to open \$shell_file: \$!\n\"; warn \"\$program: skipping check of \$shell_file\n\"; return; } while(my \$line = ) { chomp(\$line); if (\$line eq \$shell) { \$result = 1; last; } } close(SHELLS); unless (\$result) { print STDOUT \"\n\$program: \$shell is not among the valid system shells. Use of\n\"; print STDOUT \"\$program: \\"RequireValidShell off\\" may be required, and the PAM\n\"; print STDOUT \"\$program: module configuration may need to be adjusted.\n\n\"; } return \$result; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub close_output_file { my %args = @_; open(OUTPUT, \"> \$output_file\") or die \"\$program: unable to open \$output_file: \$!\n\"; # flush the data to the file foreach my \$line (@data) { print OUTPUT \"\$line\n\"; } # set the permissions appropriately, ie 0444, before closing the file chmod 0444, \$output_file; close(OUTPUT) or die \"\$program: unable to close \$output_file: \$!\n\"; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub find_passwd_entry { my %args = @_; my \$name = \$args{'name'}; my (\$pass, \$uid, \$gid, \$gecos, \$home, \$shell); my \$found = 0; # given a name, find the corresponding entry in the passwd file foreach my \$line (@data) { next unless \$line =~ /^\$name:/; my @fields = split(':', \$line); \$pass = \$fields[1]; \$uid = \$fields[2]; \$gid = \$fields[3]; \$gecos = \$fields[4]; \$home = \$fields[5]; \$shell = \$fields[6]; \$found = 1; last; } unless (\$found) { print STDOUT \"\$program: error: no such user \$name in \$output_file\n\"; exit 1; } return (\$pass, \$uid, \$gid, \$gecos, \$home, \$shell); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_salt { my \$salt; # The determination of with encryption algorithm to use is done via # the salt. The format and nature of the salt is how crypt(3) knows # how to do its thing. By default, generate a salt that triggers MD5. if (defined(\$opts{'des'})) { # DES salt \$salt = join '', ('.', '/', 0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z')[rand 64, rand 64]; } else { # MD5 salt \$salt = join '', (0..9, 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z') [rand 62, rand 62, rand 62, rand 62, rand 62, rand 62, rand 62, rand 62]; \$salt = '\$1\$' . \$salt; } return \$salt; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_passwd { my %args = @_; my \$name = \$args{'name'}; my (\$passwd, \$passwd2); # If using a DES salt, print an informative message about the 8 character # limit of relevant password characters. if (defined(\$opts{'des'}) && !defined(\$opts{'stdin'})) { print STDOUT \"\nPlease be aware that only the first 8 characters of a DES password are\nrelevant. Use the --md5 option to select MD5 passwords, as they do not have\nthis limitation.\n\"; } if (defined(\$opts{'stdin'})) { # simply read in the password from stdin, as from a script chomp(\$passwd = ); } else { # prompt for the password to be used system \"stty -echo\"; print STDOUT \"\nPassword: \"; # open the tty for reading (is this portable?) open(TTY, \"/dev/tty\") or die \"\$program: unable to open /dev/tty: \$!\n\"; chomp(\$passwd = ); print STDOUT \"\n\"; system \"stty echo\"; # prompt again, to make sure the user typed in the password correctly system \"stty -echo\"; print STDOUT \"Re-type password: \"; chomp(\$passwd2 = ); print STDOUT \"\n\n\"; system \"stty echo\"; close(TTY); if (\$passwd2 ne \$passwd) { print STDOUT \"Passwords do not match. Please try again.\n\"; return get_passwd(name => \$name); } } if (defined(\$name) && defined(\$opts{'change-password'})) { # retrieve the user's current password from the file and compare my (\$curpasswd, @junk) = find_passwd_entry(name => \$name); my \$hash = crypt(\$passwd, \$curpasswd); if (\$hash eq \$curpasswd) { if (defined(\$opts{'stdin'})) { # cannot prompt again if automated. Simply print an error message # and exit. print STDOUT \"\$program: error: password matches current password\n\"; exit 2; } else { print STDOUT \"Please use a password that is different from your current password.\n\"; return get_passwd(name => \$name); } } } if (defined(\$name) && defined(\$opts{'not-previous-password'})) { # retrieve the user's current passwd and compare my (\$currpasswd) = find_passwd_entry(name => \$name); my \$hash = crypt(\$passwd, \$currpasswd); if ((\$hash && \$currpasswd) && \$hash eq \$currpasswd) { if (defined(\$opts{'stdin'})) { # cannot prompt again if automated. Simply print an error message # and exit. print STDOUT \"\$program: error: password matches previous password\n\"; exit 4; } else { print STDOUT \"Please use a password that is different from your previous password.\n\"; return get_passwd(name => \$name); } } } if (defined(\$name) && defined(\$opts{'not-system-password'})) { # retrieve the user's system passwd (from /etc/shadow) and compare my \$syspasswd = get_syspasswd(user => \$name); my \$hash = crypt(\$passwd, \$syspasswd); if ((\$hash && \$syspasswd) && \$hash eq \$syspasswd) { if (defined(\$opts{'stdin'})) { # cannot prompt again if automated. Simply print an error message # and exit. print STDOUT \"\$program: error: password matches system password\n\"; exit 4; } else { print STDOUT \"Please use a password that is different from your system password.\n\"; return get_passwd(name => \$name); } } } return \"\" if (\$args{'allow_blank'} and \$passwd eq \"\"); # check for BAD passwords, BLANK passwords, etc, if requested if (defined(\$opts{'use-cracklib'})) { require Crypt::Cracklib; if (!Crypt::Cracklib::check(\$passwd, \$cracklib_dict)) { print STDOUT \"Bad password: \", Crypt::Cracklib::fascist_check(\$passwd, \$cracklib_dict), \"\n\"; return get_passwd(name => \$name); } } my \$salt = get_salt(); my \$hash = crypt(\$passwd, \$salt); # Check that the crypt() implementation properly supports use of the MD5 # algorithm, if specified if (defined(\$opts{'md5'}) || !defined(\$opts{'des'})) { # if the first three characters of the hash are not \"\$1\$\", the crypt() # implementation doesn't support MD5. Some crypt()s will happily use # \"\$1\" as a salt even though this is not a valid DES salt. Humf. # # Perl doesn't treat strings as arrays of characters, so extracting the # first three characters is a little more convoluted (I'm accustomed to # C's strncmp(3) for this now). my @string = split('', \$hash); my \$prefix = \$string[0] . \$string[1] . \$string[2]; if (\$prefix ne '\$1\$') { print STDOUT \"You requested MD5 passwords but your system does not support it. Defaulting to DES passwords.\n\n\"; } } return \$hash; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub get_syspasswd { my %args = @_; my \$user = \$args{'user'}; # test the shadow password support on this system. Some systems, such # as the BSDs, use \"transparent shadowing\", where the real passwd will # be returned via getpwnam() only if the process has root privs (effective # UID of zero). That check has already been performed. However, other # systems still may not return the password via getpwnam() (such as Linux). # These other systems use a shadow password library of functions, and require # other work to retrieve the password. On these systems, the retrieved # password will be \"x\". my \$syspasswd = (getpwnam(\$user))[1]; if (\$syspasswd eq \"\" || \$syspasswd eq \"x\") { # do the retrieval the hard way: open up /etc/shadow and iterate # through each line. Yuck. *sigh*. Thanks to Micah Anderson # for working out this issue. open(SHADOW, \"< /etc/shadow\") or die \"\$program: unable to access shadow file: \$!\n\"; while (chomp(my \$line = )) { next unless \$line =~ /^\$user/; \$syspasswd = (split(':', \$line))[1]; last; } close(SHADOW); # if the password is still \"x\", you have problems if (\$syspasswd eq \"x\") { die \"\$program: unable to retrieve shadow password.\nContact your system administrator.\n\"; } } return \$syspasswd; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub handle_group_entry { my %args = @_; my \$gid = \$args{'gid'}; my \$name = \$args{'name'}; my \$delete_group = \$args{'delete_group'}; my \$delete_user = \$args{'delete_user'}; my \$passwd; my \$members = \"\"; \$members = join(',', @{\$args{'members'}}) if (defined(\$args{'members'})); # check to see whether we should update the fields for this group (because # it already exists), or to create a new entry my \$found = 0; my \$index = 0; for (\$index = 0; \$index <= \$#data; \$index++) { my @entry = split(':', \$data[\$index]); if (\$name eq \$entry[0]) { \$found = 1; last; } } unless (\$found) { print STDOUT \"\$program: creating group entry for group \$name\n\"; } else { print STDOUT \"\$program: updating group entry for group \$name\n\"; } # if present, add the members given to the group. If none, just leave that # field blank # prompt for the group password, if requested if (defined(\$opts{'enable-group-passwd'})) { \$passwd = get_passwd(name => \$name, allow_blank => 1); } else { \$passwd = \"x\"; } # remove the entry to be updated splice(@data, \$index, 1); if (\$delete_group) { print STDOUT \"\$program: entry deleted\n\"; return; } # format: \$name:\$passwd:\$gid:\$members push(@data, \"\$name:\$passwd:\$gid:\$members\"); # always sort by GIDs before printing out the file @data = map { \$_->[0] } sort { \$a->[3] <=> \$b->[3] } map { [ \$_, (split /:/)[0, 1, 2, 3] ] } @data; if (\$delete_group) { print STDOUT \"\$program: entry deleted\n\"; } elsif (\$found) { print STDOUT \"\$program: entry updated\n\"; } else { print STDOUT \"\$program: entry created\n\"; } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub handle_passwd_entry { my %args = @_; my \$name = \$args{'name'}; my \$uid = \$args{'uid'}; my \$gid = \$args{'gid'}; my \$gecos = \$args{'gecos'}; my \$home = \$args{'home'}; my \$shell = \$args{'shell'}; my \$delete_user = \$args{'delete_user'}; # Trim any trailing slashes in \$home. \$home =~ s/(.*)\/\$/\$1/ if (\$home =~ /\/\$/); # Make sure the given home directory is NOT a relative path (what a # horrible idea). unless (\$home =~ /^\//) { print STDOUT \"\$program: error: relative path given for home directory\n\"; exit 8; } # check to see whether we should update the fields for this user (because # they already exist), or create a new entry my \$found = 0; my \$index = 0; for (\$index = 0; \$index <= \$#data; \$index++) { my @entry = split(':', \$data[\$index]); if (\$name eq \$entry[0]) { \$found = 1; last; } } unless (\$found) { print STDOUT \"\$program: creating passwd entry for user \$name\n\"; } else { print STDOUT \"\$program: updating passwd entry for user \$name\n\"; } my \$passwd; unless (\$delete_user) { # check the requested shell against the list in /etc/shells check_shell(shell => \$shell); # prompt the user for the password \$passwd = get_passwd(name => \$name); } # remove the entry to be updated splice(@data, \$index, 1); if (\$delete_user) { print STDOUT \"\$program: entry deleted\n\"; return; } # format: \$name:\$passwd:\$uid:\$gid:\$gecos:\$home:\$shell push(@data, \"\$name:\$passwd:\$uid:\$gid:\$gecos:\$home:\$shell\"); # always sort by UIDs before printing out the file @data = map { \$_->[0] } sort { \$a->[3] <=> \$b->[3] } map { [ \$_, (split /:/)[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] ] } @data; if (\$delete_user) { print STDOUT \"\$program: entry deleted\n\"; } elsif (\$found) { print STDOUT \"\$program: entry updated\n\"; } else { print STDOUT \"\$program: entry created\n\"; } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub open_output_file { my %args = @_; # open \$output_file, paying attention to the --force command-line option # If the file already exists, slurp up its contents for later updating. if (-f \$output_file) { open(INPUT, \"< \$output_file\") or die \"\$program: unable to open \$output_file: \$!\n\"; chomp(@data = ); close(INPUT); } # if the --force option was given, just zero out any data that might have # been read in, effectively erasing whatever contents there were. A new # file is generated, anyway -- it's just a question of what data goes into # it @data = () if (defined(\$opts{'F'})); } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub usage { print STDOUT < /tmp/ftpasswd sudo chmod +x /tmp/ftpasswd sudo mv /tmp/ftpasswd /tmp/$NAME/usr/local/sbin/ftpasswd sudo rm -rf /tmp/$NAME/var sudo rm -rf /tmp/$NAME/usr/local/include mkdir -p /tmp/$NAME-doc/usr/local/share cd /tmp/$NAME/usr/local/share sudo mv man /tmp/$NAME-doc/usr/local/share/ echo "Creating package..." cd /tmp/ sudo mksquashfs $NAME $NAME.tcz sudo md5sum $NAME.tcz > $NAME.tcz.md5.txt cd $NAME sudo find usr -not -type d > ../$NAME.tcz.list cd /tmp/ SIZE="`du -k $NAME.tcz|cut -f1`k" sudo echo "Title: $NAME.tcz Description: proFTPd Version: $VERSION Author: The ProFTPD Project team Original-site: http://www.proftpd.org/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: $SIZE Extension_by: andriscom Comments: ProFTPd is a highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software (compiled with UTF-8 support). Built with CFLAGS: -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe Built with CXXFLAGS: -march=i486 -mtune=i686 -Os -pipe Built with LDFLAGS: -Wl,-O1 Built with the following options: ./configure $CONFIGURE For man entries you can install the $NAME-doc.tcz package or visit: http://linux.die.net/man/8/proftpd http://linux.die.net/man/5/xferlog Some extra utils also come with this package: ftpcount, ftpdctl, ftptop, ftpwho, prxs, ftpasswd, ftpscrub, ftpshut The easiest way to start is to create virtual groups and users with ftpasswd: (You need perl for this script!) sudo ftpasswd --name readwrite --group --gid 1000 --file /etc/proftpd.group sudo ftpasswd --name readonly --group --gid 1001 --file /etc/proftpd.group sudo ftpasswd --name admin --passwd --home /mnt/ --shell /bin/false --uid 1000 --gid 1000 --file /etc/proftpd.passwd sudo ftpasswd --name user --passwd --home /mnt/ --shell /bin/false --uid 1001 --gid 1001 --file /etc/proftpd.passwd Change proftpd.conf if you want to use your real system users. In this case you don't need to use the ftpasswd perl script (and you don't need to install perl). If you would like to use FTPS (SSL/TLS) then: Set TLSEngine on in /usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf. Generate server certificate and key: sudo openssl req -new -x509 -days 1460 -nodes -out /usr/local/etc/proftpd_server.cert.pem -keyout /usr/local/etc/proftpd_server.key.pem Generate server root CA key and certificate: sudo openssl genrsa -aes256 -out /usr/local/etc/proftpd_rootCA.key.pem -rand private/.rand 2048 sudo openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -key /usr/local/etc/proftpd_rootCA.key.pem -out /usr/local/etc/proftpd_rootCA.cert.pem To control proFTPd: sudo /usr/local/etc/init.d/proftpd [start|stop|restart] Use the: 'sudo proftpd -n -d 20' command to start in debug mode! Source: $SOURCE Change-log: 2010/09/28 First version (1.3.3b) 2010/10/16 Version: 1.3.3b - Added: CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, LDFLAGS, mod_tls, mod_rewrite, IPv6 support, Shadow file handling, init.d script added 2010/11/06 Version: 1.3.3c 2011/07/06 Version: 1.3.3e - Added: mod_copy, mod_deflate Current: $DATE Version: $VERSION - Updated init.d script - Added: mod_deflate, mod_copy, mod_load, - Enabled: pcre " > $NAME.tcz.info sudo echo "libiconv.tcz openssl-1.0.0.tcz pcre.tcz " > $NAME.tcz.dep echo "Creating doc package..." cd /tmp/ sudo mksquashfs $NAME-doc $NAME-doc.tcz sudo md5sum $NAME-doc.tcz > $NAME-doc.tcz.md5.txt cd $NAME-doc sudo find usr -not -type d > ../$NAME-doc.tcz.list cd /tmp/ SIZE="`du -k $NAME-doc.tcz|cut -f1`k" sudo echo "Title: $NAME-doc.tcz Description: proFTPd man pages Version: $VERSION Author: The ProFTPD Project team Original-site: http://www.proftpd.org/ Copying-policy: GPL Size: $SIZE Extension_by: andriscom Comments: Manual entry files for proFTPd $VERSION. Source: $SOURCE Change-log: 2010/09/28 First version (1.3.3b) 2010/11/06 Version: 1.3.3c 2011/07/06 Version: 1.3.3e Current: $DATE Version: $VERSION " > $NAME-doc.tcz.info sudo echo "$NAME.tcz " > $NAME-doc.tcz.dep cd /tmp/ mkdir packages 2>/dev/null sudo rm packages/$NAME.tar.gz 2>/dev/null tar zcf packages/$NAME.tar.gz $NAME.tcz* $NAME-doc.tcz* $SCRIPT_NAME echo " Run bcrypt on /tmp/packages/*.tar.gz... give password: tinycore" echo "Run the extension_audit.sh and reboot a clean system to try the packages!" echo "Send it to: tcesubmit@gmail.com"