# Description file for tinycore extension # can be compiled with $ tcbuild extension.desc # Source Definition STYPE="http" MIRROR="downloads.sourceforge.net/project/wine/Source" PACKAGE="wine" SEP="-" VERSION="1.4.1" PKG_EXT=".tar.bz2" #RENAME_TO="wine-gl" # Add. Compiler flags, split options export CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I/usr/local/include/gsm -I/usr/local/include/gstreamer-0.10 -I/usr/local/include/libxml2 -I/usr/local/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include" BUILD_DEPS="OSS libltdl libffi Xorg-7.6 dbus Xorg-7.6-dev Xlibs Xorg-7.6-lib glib2 gstreamer gst-plugins-base libgsm prelink libopenal fontconfig ncurses usb-utils libieee1284 alsa gnutls mpg123 openssl-1.0.0 libxml2 libxslt libgcrypt libgpg-error libv4l openldap graphics-libs-1 cups libcups libgphoto2 sane-backends libasound libexif cyrus-sasl libcapi20 xz" RUN_DEPS="libltdl dbus libffi Xlibs Xorg-7.6-lib bsddb libgcrypt libgpg-error libtasn1 glib2 gstreamer gst-plugins-base libgsm libexif cyrus-sasl prelink gnutls libasound mpg123 openssl-1.0.0 libxml2 libxslt openldap libv4l graphics-libs-1 libcups libgphoto2 sane-backends libcapi20 fontconfig xz libopenal" FLAGS="--without-hal" # Masks DEV_MASK="-name include -o -name function_grep.pl -o -name widl -o -name winebuild -o -name winecpp -o -name winedump -o -name wineg++ -o -name winegcc -o -name winemaker -o -name wmc -o -name wrc -o -name *.def -o -name *.idl -o -name *.h -o -name *.c -o -name *.rh -o -name *.pc -o -name *.m4 -o -name *.la -o -name *.a" LOCALE_MASK="-name locale -type d" DOC_MASK="remove" CONF_MASK="" CONF_MAND_MASK="" # Package description DESCRIPTION="wine - Wine Is Not an Emulator" AUTHORS="Various" MAINTAINER="gutmensch" HOMEPAGE="http://www.winehq.org" LICENSE="LGPL" TAGS="windows dll emulator wine" COMMENTS="This requires Xorg for 3D, included cups, sane, ssl support. Steps: 1. winecfg, let download gecko engine (maybe takes some time), if you need it 2. In winecfg under Graphics uncheck 'Allow window manager to control windows' 3. wine myapp.exe" CHANGE="__TODAY__ " ##### changelog, dont modify! is done by script! ##### #CHANGELOG[16]="2013/01/23 Bump to 1.4.1" #CHANGELOG[15]="2012/04/03 Added OSS support." #CHANGELOG[14]="2012/03/09 Bump to 1.4, recompiled against TC4" #CHANGELOG[13]="2010/11/17 Bump to 1.3.7" #CHANGELOG[12]="2010/11/11 Bumped to 1.3.6 and added gstreamer, jack, libgsm, prelink, openal" #CHANGELOG[11]="2010/09/01 Bump to 1.2, build against tc 3.x and Xorg 7.5" #CHANGELOG[10]="2010/04/26 Added libcapi20 as dep" #CHANGELOG[9]="2010/04/19 Bumped to 1.1.43" #CHANGELOG[8]="2010/03/25 Bumped to 1.1.42" #CHANGELOG[7]="2010/03/24 Adding xcursor again since pink cursor bug should be fixed now" #CHANGELOG[6]="2010/03/21 Dep recursion implemented, moved stdole2.tlb to wine" #CHANGELOG[5]="2010/03/18 Bumped to 1.1.41" #CHANGELOG[4]="2010/03/09 Bumped to 1.1.40" #CHANGELOG[3]="2010/03/07 Removed alsa and v4l. Bloat is in wine-gl." #CHANGELOG[2]="2010/03/06 Adapted new mpg123 version, added libasound.tcz as dep" #CHANGELOG[1]="2010/03/03 Bumped to 1.1.39" #CHANGELOG[0]="2008/12/31 Initial version 1.1.11" ############### end of changelog ##################### configure_special_source () { sleep 0 # Apply patch here #functiongrepfile=`find . -name function_grep.pl` #sed -i 's?#! /usr/bin/perl -w?#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w?' "$functiongrepfile" [ $? -eq 0 ] && success || fail } work_special_build () { sleep 0 chmod +x ${TCB_BLDDIR}/${PACKAGE}/usr/local/bin/* mkdir -p "${TCB_BLDDIR}/${PACKAGE}/usr/local/share/pixmaps" wget "http://svgicons.o7a.net/official/wine-winecfg.png" -q -O "/tmp/winecfg.png" create_wbar_icon wine /tmp/winecfg.png "wine start /Unix %f" echo perl5.tcz >> "${TCB_BLDDIR}/${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz.dep" echo gettext.tcz >> "${TCB_BLDDIR}/${PACKAGE}-dev.tcz.dep" [ $? -eq 0 ] && success || fail }