tce-load -i automake libtool-dev intltool gettext-dev swig jdk8 boost-dev python-dev bash Xorg-7.7-3d-dev glew-dev libass-dev libmpeg2-dev libjpeg-turbo-dev libvorbis-dev libdecadec-dev curl-dev gnutls-dev tiff-dev lzo-dev libbluetooth-dev tinyxml-dev libcrossguid-dev libyajl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev taglib-dev libcdio-dev libbluray-dev jasper-dev alsa-dev dbus-dev sdl2-dev libmicrohttpd-dev pulseaudio-dev avahi-dev libssh-dev samba-dev libnfs-dev giflib-dev libplist-dev ffmpeg-dev gperf zip unzip squish-dev cmake cd xbmc-16.1-Jarvis ./bootstrap CC="gcc -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -mtune=generic -Os -pipe" CXX="g++ -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -mtune=generic -Os -pipe" ./configure --prefix=/usr/local -disable-static --localstatedir=/var --disable-debug --disable-mysql --with-ffmpeg=shared [--disable-dvdcss] find . -name Makefile -type f -exec sed -i 's/-O2//g' {} \; make sudo make install ------------------------ Kodi Configuration: ------------------------ Kodi Version: 16.1 git Rev.: Unknown Debugging: No Profiling: No Optimization: Yes SWIG Available: Yes JRE Available: Yes Doxygen Available: No Crosscomp.: No target ARCH: target CPU: OpenGL: Yes ALSA: Yes DBUS: Yes VDPAU: Yes VAAPI: Yes VTBDecoder: No OpenMax: No Joystick: Yes Touch skin: No X11: Yes Wayland: No Bluray: Yes TexturePacker:No MID Support: No ccache: No ALSA Support: Yes PulseAudio: Yes DVDCSS: Yes Google Test Framework Configured: Yes Google Breakpad Configured: No Avahi: Yes mDNSEmbedded: No Non-free: Yes ASAP Codec: No MySQL: No Webserver: Yes libssh support: Yes libRTMP support: No libsmbclient support: Yes libnfs client support:Yes libgif support: Yes AirPlay support: Yes AirTunes support: No UPnP support: Yes Optical drive: Yes libudev support: Yes libusb support: No libcec support: No libcap support: Yes additional players: No additional codecs: No prefix: /usr/local ------------------------ checking for embedded_mDNSInit in -lmDNSEmbedded... no configure: == Could not find mDNSEmbedded. Might prevent zeroconf support. == configure: == Could not find libRTMP. RTMP support disabled. == configure: == Could not find libshairplay. == checking for UDEV... yes configure: == libusb disabled. == checking for CEC... no == libcec disabled. CEC adapter support will not be available. == configure: == libcec disabled. CEC adapter support will not be available. == configure: == VTBDecoder support manually disabled. == configure: == OpenMax support manually disabled. ==