Title: apache2.tcz Description: Apache HTTP server Version: 2.2.21 Author: Apache Software Foundation Original-site: http://www.apache.org/ Copying-policy: Apache License, Version 2.0 Size: 948K Extension_by: robc Tags: Apache HTTP server Comments: Start with "sudo apachectl -k start" The home page directory is at: /usr/local/apache2/htdocs The configuration file is at: /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf WARNING: apache2 includes a binary at /usr/local/bin/ab. This binary will override the ab command in TC unless it is used explicitly. ---------------------------------------------- Please see the man page for additional information. Also see http://www.apache.org/ for more information. ---------------------------------------------- This extension is PPI compatible Change-log: 2009/10/09 converted to tcz, stripped libs and binaries, seperated devs, replaced included expat lib with extension, made PPI compatible. 2010/06/07 Updated to 2.2.15. Added ssl support, changed threading type to worker. 2010/06/09 Added mod_dav_lock, mod_proxy, and mod_suexec 2010/10/08 Updated to v2.2.16 2010/10/28 Updated to v2.2.17 2011/05/28 Updated to v2.2.19 2011/11/06 Updated to v2.2.21 Current: 2011/11/06 Updated to v2.2.21