Title: rtlwifi-4.8.17-tinycore64.tcz (TESTING) Description: Redistributable kernel modules for Realtek Wireless LAN Version: 2017/05/18 Author: Realtek and lwfinger Original-site: https://github.com/lwfinger/rtlwifi_new.git Copying-policy: Redistributable, GNU General Public License Size: 828K Extension_by: coreplayer2 Tags: RTL WIFI WIRELESS Comments: latest rtlwifi kernel modules replacing those in wireless-4.8.17-tinycore64.tz ----------------- This extension will conflict with wireless-4.8.17-tinycore64.tz extension. The Startup script will remove the wireless-4.8.17-tinycore64.tz entry from wireless-tools.tcz.dep, a reboot maybe required after initial install or dep updates ----------------- Current: 2017/05/18 Original by coreplayer2 Change-log: 2017/05/18 Original by coreplayer2